Wednesday, October 26, 2011


pre-show run through

first update: i attended my first fashion show in early september! i'm interning now for the French denim line, Marithé + François Girbaud, and the brand presented their spring/summer 2012 collection during NY Fashion Week. Girbaud is relaunching in the US after being away for about a decade, so some of you may or may not have heard of it as is was a very popular denim brand in the '80s and '90s. all in all it's still pretty exciting stuff. it's a great introduction for me into the fast-paced environment of the industry, and being around mainly male models for the day didn't hurt either... 

check out some more pictures i took from my phone after the jump!

see the tallest one on the runway? that's NBA star Dwight Howard
backstage - oh how important i felt

1 comment:

Hannah said...

can i just confess that i might possibly, maybe be a TEENY bit jealous? :)